Learn c++ online or at home

This course covers introductory skills in computer programming using C++. There is an emphasis on both the principles and practices of computer programming. It aims at enabling students to use logical approach to analyze and solve problems, to develop algorithm and to implement these algorithm using programming language C++.

Entry Requirements:
            Candidate must have completed intermediate education. 

Programme contents:

The following topics will be included in our course:

Ø  Introduction to Problem Solving
Ø  C++ Programming Basics
Ø  Decision Statements
Ø  Loops
Ø  Arrays and Strings
Ø  Structures
Ø  Functions
Ø  Pointers
Ø  Objects and Classes

          Students are assessed through exams, individual and group practical work, presentations, project and final dissertation with regular support and feedback.

                                    3 months.

For details contact:
M. Amjad Khan


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